Waikerie water works to improve flow to Riverland town


Waikerie water works to improve flow to Riverland town

A series of upgrades are underway to SA Water’s drinking water network in Waikerie, to further improve the quality and reliability of water supplied to the area.

Various works are being carried out progressively over the coming months at several locations between the water treatment plant on Cliff Street and a water storage tank on Burns Street.

SA Water’s General Manager of Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said one of the main components of work is the installation of around 25 metres of water main to the storage tank.

“We’ll also be putting in specialised valves to manage water pressure and making modifications to the network where water leaves the treatment plant before going to our customers,” Mark said.

“The current configuration of parts of our Waikerie water network can result in inconsistent flow rates and pressure which can create variability in water age, requiring different levels of treatment.

“We expect this upgrade to resolve that challenge by creating a more efficient way of treating and delivering safe, clean water to people living and working in the town.”

SA Water is committed to minimising any impacts to the community during construction, such as dust or noise caused by increased vehicle activity and the use of heavy machinery.

“For the safety of the community and our crew, there will be changed traffic conditions while works are taking place,” Mark said.

“Work hours will vary during each stage, but where possible, we have timed construction to have minimal impact on traffic flow, property access and our customers’ mains-supplied water.

Where a temporary water disruption is required, we will provide advance notice, and for customers such as the hospital or nursing home, we will arrange an alternative supply.

“When the new pipes are connected into the existing network, nearby customers may notice cloudy or discoloured water caused by air entering the pipe or existing fine sediment being stirred up by changes in water movement or velocity. The water remains safe to drink, and we recommend running your taps for a minute or two to help it clear.”

All works are expected to be complete by around mid-2019.





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