Hope Valley’s new five-tonne valve hoisted into place


Hope Valley’s new five-tonne valve hoisted into place

SA Water crews working around the clock have safely guided a new five-tonne isolation valve into place on the fringes of Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve, as part of the utility’s $860,000 investment helping secure reliable water services for more than 80,000 customers in Adelaide’s north-eastern suburbs.

The massive valve – which is 1.2 metres in diameter – operates like a giant tap and is used to control the flow of drinking water produced at the Hope Valley Water Treatment Plant.

Once the water passes through the valve, it flows into a large trunk main located underneath Lyons Road, before travelling through a network of smaller pipes to end up at the taps of local residents and businesses.

SA Water’s General Manager of Sustainable Infrastructure Amanda Lewry said there are around 50 valves of this size in the wider metropolitan Adelaide network and they’re integral to operating the expansive system.

“The Hope Valley hydraulic gate valve provides flexibility to isolate water produced at the treatment plant, if we need to perform maintenance on the trunk main or manage a potential natural water quality challenge at the reservoir,” Amanda said.

“This upgrade required a 100-tonne crane to safely lift out the older valve – which was installed in 1979 – and carefully lower the new asset into the ground.

“The excavation alone was a significant job, with our crews removing around 200 tonnes of material to create a trench 14 metres long and three metres wide to replace the valve, along with 10 metres of pipe either side.

“We’re now working through the final component of the work, which includes welding the new sections of pipe to the valve and existing pipework, before it’s operational.”

The new valve is controlled by an electric motor to gently close it over the course of 12 minutes, ensuring it doesn’t cause a surge in water pressure known as ‘water hammer’, while also reducing manual handling.

Ms Lewry said a combination of crews worked around the clock for three consecutive days to minimise any impact on customer supply and the surrounding community.

“Together with our contract partner, McConnell Dowell Diona joint venture, we developed a concentrated work schedule and construction methodology to maintain customers’ water supply during the valve switch, while reducing any impact on neighbouring residents,” Amanda said.

“Visitors to Hope Valley Reservoir Reserve will also have the opportunity to catch a glimpse of SA Water history, with the old valve to be safely relocated within the reserve for public display.”





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