Mid North students dive into water education


Mid North students dive into water education

From source to tap, to what happens after you flush the toilet, students from St Mark's College and Spalding Primary School recently learnt all the ins and outs of water and wastewater management in South Australia, as part of an interactive program led by SA Water.

SA Water's General Manager of Strategy, Engagement and Innovation Nicola Murphy said it’s important to connect with the community and provide opportunities for students in metropolitan and regional schools to better understand these essential services.

“The students love discovering things like the fascinating process of water treatment, and always ask some great questions, such as how can water be recycled?,” Nicola said.

“Our team takes them on a journey through the world of water, sharing information on the water cycle, how water is sourced, treated and delivered to South Australian homes, and what happens after it disappears down the drain.

“Our curriculum-aligned education programs teach students to appreciate the enormous amount of work that goes into making sure safe, clean water is available when they turn on the tap and ensuring the water they use has minimal environmental impacts.

“Using props, questions and interactive discussion, we encourage students to think about their own responsible water use and they are also taught about recycled and desalinated water.

“Our education sessions are a fun way to let students and teachers discover valuable insights into water and wastewater processes, sustainability practices and how we deliver services to more than 1.7 million South Australians.”

From reception through to university, SA Water’s extensive education program ‘The Well’ provides tours, workshops and interactive learning across the state.

Schools interested in booking one of these activities or looking for educational resources can visit sawater.com.au/thewell.





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