Opportunity for EP businesses to get involved in desalination project


Opportunity for EP businesses to get involved in desalination project

Businesses, industry representatives and job seekers across the Eyre Peninsula are invited to a forum in early March, to learn about the range of employment opportunities available through the construction phase of SA Water’s local desalination project.

Together with early contract involvement partner ACCIONA, SA Water will provide a formal presentation at the forum which will include an overview of the project, followed by an expo where attendees will be stationed in discussion groups focused on supply chain, accommodation, and employment and training.

SA Water’s Eyre Peninsula Desalination Project Director David Henchliffe said the $300 million-plus project is expected to provide a significant boost for the local economy during construction and operation of the proposed desalination plant.

"This includes through new supply chain opportunities for local businesses and the creation of up to 230 jobs per year to 2025-26," David said.

“We’re looking for support in areas such as civil and building construction, accommodation, catering, cleaning, concreting, earthworks, electrical, materials supply, scaffolding and truck hire. There will also be options for training and upskilling.

“We want to work with individuals and businesses of all sizes and types on what is a vital project to secure a long-term drinking water supply for 35,000 SA Water customers who live and work across the Eyre Peninsula.

“In parallel to these conversations, we continue to progress our Development Application for the project, which is informed by stakeholder feedback and will include a detailed concept design being developed with ACCIONA.”

ACCIONA Project Director George Panagopoulos says his team is looking forward to meeting with the Eyre Peninsula business community to discuss upcoming opportunities.

“The purpose of the event is to connect with the local business community so we can learn more about what trades and services currently exist on the Eyre Peninsula that may be able to support the delivery of the project,” George said.

“By understanding the skills and capabilities present within the community, we can better tailor our efforts to harness local talent, which will in turn foster economic growth and sustainability in the region. Furthermore, the forum facilitates collaboration and networking opportunities between ACCIONA and local businesses, establishing strong partnerships.

“Our mindset is all about exploring the local jobs market and keeping the work and investment on the Eyre Peninsula, and this forum is an important first step in the process.”

Eyre Peninsula desalination project economic opportunities forum:

When: Tuesday 5 March 2024

Where: Port Lincoln Hotel Ballroom

Details: Formal presentations 4-5pm, expo 5-6.30pm

To register attendance for the event, visit the Eventbrite website.

For up-to-date project information, people can also visit watertalks.sawater.com.au/getthefacts, or in-person at SA Water’s Project Information Centre on Liverpool Street in Port Lincoln.


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