SA Water graduate program supports SA employment


SA Water graduate program supports SA employment

SA Water is opening doors for South Australian university graduates looking to kickstart a career in Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM), as part of the utility's 2021 graduate program, delivering a positive lift for South Australia's employment and economy.

Now open for applications, SA Water is offering a total of eight exciting employment opportunities for graduates specialising in fields of mechanical, civil and chemical engineering, science, project management, data and Information Technology (IT).

Taking place over either two or three years, the program provides university students with the opportunity to take on a diverse range of metropolitan and regionally-based projects relating to SA's critical water infrastructure.

SA Water's General Manager Asset Operations and Delivery Amanda Lewry said the opportunity is a win-win for STEM students and the wider South Australian economy.

"The impacts of COVID-19 has clearly taken a toll on the local employment sector, so it's important that as a business we can continue to grow our workforce and provide a platform for young South Australians wanting to start their professional career," Amanda said.

"This is a terrific entry-level opening for university students looking to apply the knowledge learned throughout their studies in STEM, and the size and variety of our operations make it a great place to hone a craft and develop the skills to perform in an ongoing position at the conclusion of the program.

“One of the eight positions on offer is for people interested in project management, and we welcome graduates from any discipline who have great problem solving skills, emotional intelligence, technical curiosity and resilience.

"Around 97 per cent of our graduates taken on since 2016 are still with SA Water, with many taking on leadership or management roles within the business, showing the success of the program in providing an opportunity for young professionals to forge long and successful careers in the water industry.

"Every role at SA Water has a real impact on our customers, the community and wider environment, and we're excited to bring on eight exciting new faces to the business for 2021."

SA Water's Asset Planner Maintenance Raza Jamale, a civil engineering graduate who joined the graduate program in 2018, said the experience provided a platform to enter the workforce as a young engineer.

"The flexibility over the three years in the program has allowed me to work across different business areas that suit my skills and interests while also getting the rare opportunity to work on some of the largest water projects in South Australia," Raza said.

"This includes the recent Kangaroo Creek Dam safety upgrade and the design and build of earthbank storages for the Northern Adelaide Irrigation Scheme.

“I gained so much through the graduate program, and find it rewarding coming to work every day and knowing that the work I do behind the scenes makes a real difference to the lives of our customers across South Australia.”

Applications for the program close on 28 September 2020, with more information on how to apply available at





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