Tanks topped up on Tailem pipeline


Tanks topped up on Tailem pipeline

SA Water is investing $10 million to construct a new nine megalitre drinking water storage tank at Coomandook, to improve water security for its customers in the Lower Murray, Mallee and Upper South East regions.

The new water tank will bolster storage capacity along the Tailem Bend to Keith pipeline, and forms part of SA Water's $89 million investment to refurbish 111 water storage sites across the state between 2016 and 2020.

SA Water's General Manager of Communications and Engagement Anna Jackson said the new infrastructure will sit alongside an existing tank at Coomandook to increase the pipeline's storage capacity by 30 percent.  

"The 132 kilometre long Tailem Bend to Keith pipeline is the primary source of potable water for more than 10,000 people in towns along the Dukes Highway between Murray Bridge and Bordertown," Anna said.

"Increasing the system's storage capacity can help diversify feed options within a supply network, and provide additional time to manage and resolve issues like pump faults or power failures before they turn into supply interruptions for our customers."

The works involve constructing a new concrete reinforced post tensioned 5.8 metre high, 47 metre diameter concrete tank, which will be covered with an aluminium roof to maintain the safety of the treated water within the network.

South Australian company Leed Engineering and Construction is undertaking the work, which is expected to be completed by mid 2019, with up to 50 people working on site during the tank's base slab 450m3 concrete pour.

“Investing in our water storages will ensure we can meet current and forecast demand, and continue to provide our customers with world class water services, well into the future,” Anna said.

"Ongoing water security will also support continued population and economic growth across the South East region."

The Tailem Bend to Keith pipeline and existing Coomandook tank were built in the 1960s and feed 800 kilometres of branch mains that cover an area of more than 6,470 square kilometres, including Coonalpyn, Meningie, Culbarra and Keith.





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