Torrens Park Pump Station gets colour splash


Torrens Park Pump Station gets colour splash

More than 60 litres and 120 spray cans of colourful paint is now decorating SA Water’s historic Torrens Park Pump Station thanks to an exciting public art project delivered together with the City of Mitcham.

Situated next to the Torrens Park Railway Station on Belair Road, the station’s three public-facing walls have been given new life by influential South Australian artist Joel Van Moore - also known as Vans the Omega - who has travelled the world painting public artworks and letterforms for more than two decades.

SA Water’s General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said SA Water has been looking at ways to visually improve its infrastructure for the benefit of the community.

“While the site plays an important role in delivering clean, safe drinking water to our customers in the Mitcham and Torrens Park area, it’s fair to say the outside of the building was in need of some modern paintwork to make it more appealing to the eye,” Anna said.

“We’ve coordinated this site with council as the canvas for such a unique project, and we’re glad to see the finished product standing alongside Joel’s extensive list of masterpieces across the world.”

The artwork design across the three public-facing walls incorporates unique elements common to the local community including images of the nearby Brown Hill Creek Catchment, the native Purple Crowned Lorikeet and parts of the pumping infrastructure from inside the station itself. The mural also features a young girl on the northern façade as a representation of the bright future of the Mitcham area.

“It’s great to have our Metropolitan Facilities Manager Richard Mayger also featuring on the mural, who has been a dedicated member of the SA water industry for more than 45 years,” Anna said.

Mayor of the City of Mitcham Dr Heather Holmes-Ross said having a modern piece of artwork painted by a world-class artist is a great addition to the local area.

“Public art is significant in creating a vibrant and cultural community, and it’s important that we make use of our buildings so people can experience art in their everyday life,” Heather said.

“This display was identified by the Mitcham Art Advisory Group as a project of importance, and we thank SA Water and the extremely talented Joel Van Moore for helping make this exciting project a reality.”





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