Beat the heat with SA Water’s drinking fountain app


Beat the heat with SA Water’s drinking fountain app

With South Australia sweltering through a stretch of hot weather, it’s never been easier for South Australians to keep hydrated and track down their local drinking fountain with the release of SA Water’s new BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) mobile app.

Launched for both Android and Apple devices, the free app uses an interactive map allowing people to locate drinking water fountains and bottle filling stations wherever they are across the state and providing the best route for both walking or driving.

SA Water’s General Manager Customers, Strategy and Innovation Anna Jackson said almost 1000 drinking fountains across SA have already been mapped for people to track down.

“It is very important that everyone can stay healthy and hydrated when out and about, particularly with the extreme heat being experienced across most of South Australia this week,” Anna said.

“While fountain locations aren’t always obvious, they are now easily found when out at the park or walking the dog using the app’s GPS location system to help users find their closest fountain to quench their thirst.

“Not only can people use their local fountain, but you can look up locations you might be travelling to and see if a fountain is available.  We also encourage everyone to add any un-mapped drinking water fountains they come across so other people can top-up their bottle at the same spot.”

Each location details site-specific information about what people can find at each spot, including if the site features a drinking fountain, water bottle refill, dog bowl and tap.

“You can also provide a star rating to each location on the map, which shows you when fountains are in good working order or if the rating is low and potentially in need of some attention for us to follow up,” Anna said.

“Tap water is one of the best choices you can make for your health and hip pocket, and with more than 370 million single use plastic water bottles hitting Australian landfill every year we encourage everyone to BYOB and choose tap water as their drink of choice.”

SA Water’s BYOB (Bring Your Own Bottle) app is available to download in both the Google Play store and Apple App store.





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