Challenge your taste buds at the South East Field Days


Challenge your taste buds at the South East Field Days

Think your keen sense of taste can tell the difference between water that flows out of our tap and bottled water from your local supermarket?

It may sound simple enough, but of the 6,500 people plus who have completed SA Water's Take the Tap Test, only 25 per cent correctly identified the bottled water.  

To find out how well you really know your water, visit SA Water at South East Field Days in Lucindale as they reveal the science behind water, and challenge your taste buds.

Water Quality Specialist and Scientist at SA Water, Dr Kelly Newton, said more than 60 per cent of people who have taken part in the blind tasting preferred an SA Water tap water over commercial bottled water.

“Most people are surprised when they find out they’ve chosen the tap water, but they’re in good company because they often select our award-winning water produced at either our Morgan Water Treatment Plant or Woolpunda Water Treatment Plant,” Kelly said.

“The blind taste test challenge is a fun activity for participants, but it has a serious side too because it helps us understand what our customers like and don’t like about their water, so we can continue to improve our services and plan for the future.

“This year, participants will be sampling drinking water sourced from areas mostly throughout the South East, including places such as Keith and Kingston, with a delightful drop from a groundwater source in Mount Compass.

“Even if you live in the same region, there can be subtle differences between the taste of customers' mains-supplied drinking water based on where the water is sourced and how it's been treated.”

In addition to SA Water's Take the Tap Test, they are also offering free bore water salinity testing on site at the South East Field Days.

“It's worthwhile checking the salinity of your bore every two to three years to make sure it's suitable for use as bore water quality may change over time,” Kelly said.

“Common water quality problems can include high salinity levels, so we're offering a great opportunity to locals on Friday and Saturday to test their bore water for free - all they need to do is bring us a sample.”

To collect a sample to bring, simply purge the bore three times its volume, rinse a clean PET bottle three times with this water, and then collect a 100ml sample.

You can visit the SA Water team at Site 31 in the Lifestyle Pavilion, where they will provide the test results on the spot, and challenge you to Take the Tap Test.





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