Final stage of Glenelg water main upgrade to begin


Final stage of Glenelg water main upgrade to begin

Beginning 2 July, SA Water will continue the installation of a total 970 metres of new water main at Glenelg, including along the southern side of Jetty Road, after the project was put on hold late last year.

These sections of pipe are being replaced to improve the reliability of drinking water supply to customers and reduce the potential for disruptive breaks and leaks.

SA Water’s General Manager of Asset Operations and Delivery Mark Gobbie said the pipeline route has been altered from initial plans, to run down side streets in some areas, instead of just the main thoroughfare.

“This change in design will ensure the tram can continue to operate along Jetty Road and there is minimal disruption to other road users and local traders, even if water main works are required in the future,” Mr Gobbie said.

“The new slightly longer pipeline route will include the side streets of Newmans Lane, Cowper Street and Milton Street, along with around 250 metres of Jetty Road.

“Work will begin in the side streets, and are scheduled during the day, to minimise noise and traffic impacts on residents.

“We have also worked with businesses along these streets, to better understand their individual needs, such as parking and property access for customers and stock deliveries.”

Crews will move to Jetty Road from late July, and as with last year’s works, this work will be undertaken overnight. It will also start later on Thursday nights to accommodate late night shopping, and on Sundays when twilight AFL games are being held, to ensure event tram operations aren’t affected.

During work on the side streets, crews will typically be on site between 7am and 6pm from Monday to Friday. Construction on Jetty Road is scheduled between 8pm and 5am from Sunday to Thursday.

“During the day, our worksites on Jetty Road will be clear, allowing free flow of traffic and ‘business as usual’ for traders. This is made possible by laying a temporary bitumen seal over the excavated areas of road, at the end of each night’s work,” Mr Gobbie said.

“The tram service will continue to operate along the road during business hours, but will terminate at Brighton Road at around 7.30pm on most nights our work is taking place. Buses will however be able to run as normal along Jetty Road during the night and day.

“We will also provide advance notice to customers who will experience temporary interruptions to their mains-supplied water during parts of our works.”

The water main upgrade began last year, but was put on hold in October, after SA Water identified the need for more investigation into the protection of the structural integrity of other nearby underground services and infrastructure.

Construction works were timed to resume after Jetty Road’s busy summer trade and tourist period, which also allowed time for SA Water to consider different design options.

“120 metres of main was successfully renewed last year, with little impact to local traders during the work. We will continue to minimise disruption to the community during the project’s next stage,” Mr Gobbie said.

“To achieve this, we’ve been working closely with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure (DPTI), City of Holdfast Bay and the local traders association.”

Jetty Road Mainstreet Committee Chairman Mark Faulkner said right throughout the project, SA Water has kept the community informed and been responsive to the needs of local traders.

“We appreciate how this water main replacement will benefit the area in the longer term, but it’s equally important that we can continue to do business during construction,” Mr Faulkner said.

“We’re pleased that despite the works, people will still be able to visit and travel along our iconic road, including during the Winter Wonderland event in July.”

Subject to weather conditions, the whole project is expected to be complete by late August.





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