It’s time to take a deep dive into South Australian water


It’s time to take a deep dive into South Australian water

Whether it's a warm relaxing bath, swimming in your pool, drinking it, or fishing in it, before you let using water wash over you, it's time to tell SA Water what's important, when it comes to the services they provide.

SA Water is working on its business plan for 2020-2024, and wants your water wishes to be front and centre.  

SA Water General Manager Communications and Engagement Anna Jackson said making your voice heard could make all the difference to how water could taste, be used, and even how much it could cost in the next decade.

“Having water on tap is second nature for most of us and often we don’t give it a second thought, but there are so many different ways to use water, and a variety of things we each want from it,” said Anna.

"As well as getting the basics right for our 1.6 million customers, there are new services we could invest in, such as more recycled water schemes or new technology to reduce the number of blocked sewers.

“We strive to provide world-class water services to all of our customers, every day, but we can't achieve this if we're operating in a bubble; we must listen and place customers at the heart of everything we do."

Whether you think your water and sewage services already meet a high water mark or don’t hold water at all, it couldn’t be easier to plumb the depths and let SA Water know what you think.

“To get your point across, jump online and complete our survey called, What matters to you?,” Anna said.

“If online isn’t for your thing, come along to a local drop-in session where you can discuss key issues with an SA Water representative, face-to-face.”

Feedback from the survey will be used to develop a plan to 2024 which the Essential Services Commission of South Australia will review and use to decide how much revenue SA Water can collect through customer charges.

"We value your time, so we're saying thank you by giving every participant the chance to win some great prizes."

First prize is a two-night stay at the Hilton Adelaide valued at $1050,  second prize is a mouth-watering Maggie Beer hamper worth $175 and third prize is an $89 family day pass to Monarto Zoo.

For the chance to be a lucky winner and share your views on SA Water's services, visit the SA Water website and complete the survey before 5 pm on Friday 1 June 2018.





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